Revice shin
Revice shin

  • Past Kamen Riders had at least one parent who was either dead, evil or was at least never mentioned at all.
  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Ikki is the straight man to Vice's wise guy.
  • Yes, he is a very dependable big brother to his siblings, but he often gets carried away and becomes too dependable and overprotective, to the point that his siblings are constantly living under his shadow and trying to find ways to prove they can fend for themselves (joining Fenix for Daiji and learning karate for Sakura).
  • Big Brother Instinct: A strength and weakness of his.
  • Played for laughs when Kudo personally comes after him at the bathhouse, and didn't even take his shoes off first.
  • This is taken further when Vice reveals he enticed a Victim of the Week to make his own Deadman, making him transform to materialize the latter for a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown lesson on risking human lives, and would have went though with it had Daiji not interfered with news of another attack.
  • While initially refusing to be officially affiliated with Fenix due to his work at the bathhouse, he still drops everything and heads to the scene upon the news of a Deadman attack in order to save everyone he can. While he genuinely means well, Kagero notes that Ikki always being in the spotlight contributed to Daiji's already-growing resentment towards him, as well as his own creation.
  • Attention Whore: Albeit unintentionally.
  • The events of #49 and #50 cement it as a form of Laser-Guided Amnesia once Ikki's contract with Vice is nullified he remembers everyone else and then forgets Vice instead.


    By the end of the series his memory loss has accelerated to core memories: by #46 he's forgotten that there are baths in his home, by #47 he has no memory of who his own parents are to him and speaks to them like customers, and transforming to fight George in #48 erases his memory of Daiji and Sakura, functionally disconnecting him from the rest of his family.Eventually it turns out that Ikki, being the cause of Zico's Career-Ending Injury, made a promise to Zico to carry his dream however, the stress of overworking eventually caused Ikki to Rage Quit the attempt. At one point, Ikki asks his high school friend Koji/"Zico" why he quit soccer, and Zico alludes to him breaking a major promise between them as the reason Ikki is unable to remember such an event.The price for this contract is the consumption of Ikki's memories in exchange for using Vice's powers, having the potential to eventually wipe away his memories of even his dear family and eventually himself.

    revice shin

    It is eventually revealed that he'd met Vice as a child, after witnessing his father/Vail's destruction of their home, and formed a contract with Vice to gain the power to protect his family Ikki forgot about the event, but retained a will to protect his family.

    revice shin

    He remembers most of his life, but is slowly revealed to have gaps in his memories as the series progresses, often involving crucial events. Almighty Janitor: He's a worker in a bathhouse who has a contract with a demon and wields the powerful Revice Driver.Forming a pact with him, he gains the ability to transform into Kamen Rider Revi. However, an encounter with the Deadmans' attack forces him to finally acknowledge his inner demon in order to protect his family. No matter how difficult the situation is, he takes it with a smile, often saying "Leave it to big bro!" While he has been able to hear his own inner demon, he chooses to ignore it due to his selfless personality. The eldest son of the Igarashis, Ikki is a caring, determined young man with a strong sense of justice. Sorry, but I'll have you know I'm Japan's Number One busybody!

    Revice shin